Sunday, October 14, 2007

In Mourning....Temporarily Anyway

Often we humans are forced to endure tragic events and most of the time we get through them in some way. Many would suggest that such events build character. If such is the case, my character is currently going through withdrawals....

The Susanville Starbucks has closed its doors...

What travesty the likes of which Shakespeare could not imagine! Starbucks has been my bastion of communal recognition; my retreat from the rigors of the every day world. Of late it has also been my source of inspiration - my daily routine has been to grab my Venti Coffee of the Day around 5:00 AM, find my usual corner table, set up my laptop and start blogging away. It was working pretty well, too - until my beloved coffee house closed last week (notice the lack of blog posts?).

Alas, it is only temporary - they are simply re-modeling and will open again on October 27...three weeks without a Venti coffee may seem like eons, however.


dogscratcher said...

"The Susanville Starbucks has closed its doors..."

I didn't think Starbucks ever closed a shop: are you sure it isn't just spreading to an adjacent streetcorner?

"Alas, it is only temporary - they are simply re-modeling and will open again on October 27...three weeks without a Venti coffee may seem like eons, however."

Ahh... that explains it. But I'm still surprised they didn't open one across the way just so there wouldn't be a hiatus in the record.

Christopher O'Brien said...

You're correct...they're technically not closed as they have a walk-up coffee "cart" - what's more, they're providing "tall" coffees for free during the hiatus, which is great, but they only have two kinds (Americano and something else). Provided the weather holds, they'll keep the coffee cart open until the remodel is finished. My sources tell me that the staff doesn't even know what the new coffee house will look'll be a big surprise when they re-open (which, I guess is the end of next week).

dogscratcher said...

That sounds more like the Starbucks I know.