Monday, July 03, 2006

What Archaeology IS NOT....

Archaeology has got to be the most publicly abused science in the world. These guys apparently never saw Stargate. There is of course, no archaeological data associated with any of this; just like there is no archaeological data (and no archaeologists) associated with this, this, this, this or this. Apparently any dumbass who picks up an arrowhead thinks he can interpret anything he sees on the ground. At best, these guys are frauds and worst, they destroy authentic archaeological information and should be jailed.

See this...BASE says this is part of Noah's Ark. It is not. It is a fucking rock. BASE personnel do not have the experience to tell basalt from coprolites. They have no knowledge of archaeological methods. They cannot produce a report on anything they claim to have found. People who buy into what these archaeology charlatans put forward can only be described as STUUUPID...

And as for the warning BASE puts on these photos,

This article and the pictures are copyrighted. You may quote the first couple of paragraphs and then link to this site but you CAN NOT duplicate the article in its entirety and you CAN NOT COPY ANY OF THE PICTURES without express written permission from Worldview Weekend, Brannon Howse and Bob Cornuke.

I suggest they look at something called Fair Use. (Yes, I've just extended the middle digit of my hand to you BASE bozos).

(Thanks to Afarensis, Dispatches, Hot Cup of Joe, Abnormal Interests and some others for having defended the archaeological profession from this kind of intellectual prostitution).

Ok, I feel better....


afarensis, FCD said...

Yup, a sure tip off is when they say they split a piece open and found fossils. If this was really a (milled) plank one would have to ask how the fossils got inside it?

Christopher O'Brien said...

Did I sound just a little annoyed?

CFeagans said...

Their other wild claim (straight out of a comic book) is that the petrified wood is evidence. Petrified?

Petrification requires that the wood be removed from an oxygenated environment and minerals allowed to replace the fluids in the wood. I would suggest that a milled plank couldn't petrify to begin with since its been treated or at least dried. Moreover, the wood needs to be submerged in peat bog or a swamp or perhaps buried in the liquifaction of an earthquake.

How does a massive wooden boat at the top of a mountain become "submerged" on the mountain?

Meh. I predict we'll here nothing again from Cornuke et al about this. What usually happens with woo-woo claims of "evidence sent to the lab" is that once they have the report which doesn't give the data they want they become suddenly very quiet.

The tragedy with this story, however, is the same as with the Bosnian Pyramid nonsense: the media are stupid to the point of being complicit.

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